очень нравится идея глянцевого отражающего покрытия на полу! Вся мебель от Армани, которая всегда привлекала меня своими натуральными оттенками глины и земли. Adoro l’idea del pavimento lucido e riflettente! Tutti i mobili sono di Armani casa. Le cromie di terra mi attirano da sempre! ️️️
Daily inspiration of Interior design
About the Author: Arch. Maria Duborkina
Owner of MD Creative Lab – Architettura e Design in Lugano (Switzerland). Dynamic, creative and technically proficient architect and design specialist who enjoys indulging the passion for interior design, landscaping and architecture.
I consider every new project as a blank canvas awaiting the perfect palette and the most beautiful combination of materials and fabrics.
My multidisciplinary background combined with significant commitment and competence in architectural and interior design continually inspire me to learn and to achieve the best results for every client, whilst creating fine architecture, smart, functional and harmonious design.