MD Creative Lab Architectural and Interior Designers project managers oversee all aspects of the design and construction process of a building project, from developing and reviewing building plans to making sure a project meets environmental and zoning standards.

From site preparation to building completion, our Project Managers deliver all the necessary aspects of the construction processes.

Part of this preparation includes developing, organizing and reviewing building plans, as well as preparing construction contracts for general contractors. MD Creative Lab might also can take part in interviewing and hiring contractors for proposed projects.


Architecture not only reflects our time and culture, but also shapes it. As architects and designers, we create settings to inspire the way we live, learn, heal, work and play.

We create the conditions to build places that facilitate our customers’ life.

We first listen, then design. We then start looking at options to solve the problem, balancing design, cost, schedule and performance, while constantly comparing back to your criteria for success.

We provide to our customer value through streamlined processes while practicing continuous improvement.

Every project is treated as one of a kind. Each project is looked at as unique, with solutions tailored to meet your specific requirements. We pay close attention to every detail from start to finish, bringing a balance between excellent design and strong support during construction.

daily inspiration of interior design


MD Creative Lab mission is to promote excellence in the built environment and to advocate for responsible architecture.


We aim to receive continuous feedbacks from our customers, during and after the project. 

Have a look on what they say about us!

“Abbiamo realizzato diversi progetti in zona Lugano, con Architetto Maria Duborkina dall’anno 2013 ad oggi.
Grande disponibilità, particolare sensibilità ed una scrupolosa attenzione nella scelta dei particolari e delle soluzioni migliori per ogni progetto in funzione delle esigenze dei singoli clienti, sono queste le caratteristiche che contraddistinguono l’Architetto Maria Duborkina;
caratteristiche che abbiamo avuto modo di apprezzare in questi due anni di preziosa ed interessante collaborazione da parte di tutti noi.”

Stefano Carminati & Carminati - Arredi d’Autore, Review on Houzz